Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Reflecting on a semester of school

The past four months, living in a house with 5 other guys, buying my own groceries, being responsible to only myself, going to a school learning things that I have a passion for, have been the best months ever.

I have enjoyed school immensely, mainly because of the people that have helped grow me in more ways than they know. Jesus has taught me so much about Himself during this past semester. Surprisingly not through class. I dont want this to sound arrogant but I didnt learn that much in class. I did pretty much all of my learning outside of the class. I learned so much about myself. I learned about my selfishness, my pride, the things I idolize, and my fears. My education has been from a loving God who is constantly pointing me towards my need for a savior. I learned so much about ministry and living on mission for the Gospel.

I became very turned off with the idea of theological academia. I feel like I can argue with the best of them, which I was excited for when I got to school but that almost immediately changed. I began to toy with the idea of what it would look like if I could articulate the 5 points of calvinism better than anyone in my school and that was it. What good would that be? How big-bigheaded am i? I then realized my need to do ministry outside of the church (after some repentance). Daily ministry. Knowledge puffs up and I just want to deflate. Through Jesus's grace and the help of some great friends that He has surrounded me with at Moody and Whitworth and still in the Tri-Cities I have been priviledged to be sanctified in ways that I never thought I would be.

This blog is a little scatterbrained but so am I as I reflect on this. Here are the things I want to learn in school and out of school this next semester (not in any order):

1. I want to learn how to serve more effectively and genuinely.
2. I want to learn how to be last.
3. I want to learn how to be a better listener (and not always be the first to talk)
4. I want to learn how to effectively give a Christ-centered sermon.
5. I want to want God more.
6. I want to be humbled by my sin (not really) and depend on Jesus more for His righteousness alone.