Sunday, March 20, 2011

God's goodness

Is God good?

This is a dumb question right? Right? I feel like people are afraid to actually ask this. I feel like Christians are afraid to ask this. Why?

Are you afraid of the answer?

I’ve spent a lot of time looking at my life from the outside since I’ve started school, specifically family, and it seems as though God is either good and not in control or in control and not good. Why would God let this happen?

Jesus dies. By faith I get His goodness and He gets my badness. I get His goodness?

Is God good?

Am I going to be renewed to life, beauty, holiness, and perfection by His goodness?

Throughout life these are the questions that as Christians we will have to wrestle with. Before we wrestle. We must answer. Is God good?

We always say “yes, You are good” but then God kills Jesus.

Now we wrestle. What the heck are you doing? Are you in control?

Then we find something that makes a ton of sense (nope).

You have intentionally crushed my hope FOR my hope.

Looking back on my life when I look at all of the times I was trying to be happy, I have some regrets. Looking back at all the times that I had hard times and pain in my life, I have no regrets. (When I’m going through them I would highly disagree with this statement).

Jesus the therapist answers my questions and meets my needs as I define them. Jesus the redeemer defines my needs and meets them beyond all expectation.

God doesn’t give me what I want because if He gave them to me I wouldn’t need Him. Realizing this, I love my life and family. I don’t ever have to look at people who need some extra love shown to them and for a reason to cling to God.

If God is the only fulfillment in the universe, and He puts me in this conundrum to need to be asking Him questions and meeting with Him, does that not make Him unbelievably good? If hardship leads to joy, is it worth it?

Jesus does die. Pain does come. Trial will leave you questioning God.

Jesus does raise again victoriously. Pain is healed by the Gospel. Victory through
cross gives way to joy in the midst of the brevity of life. Because I have enough in Jesus, regardless of everything else.

“If you lack contentment, start naming all the things you don't deserve.”-Darrin Patrick

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thank you, Gungor.

I've tried to stand my ground
I've tried to understand
But I can't seem to find
My faith again

Like water on the sand
Or grasping at the wind
I keep on falling short

So please be my strength
Please be my strength
'Cause I don't have any more
I don't have any more

I'm looking for a place
Where I can plant my faith
One thing I know for sure

I cannot create it
And I cannot sustain it
It's Your love
That's keeping me

Please be my strength
Please be my strength
I don't have any more
I don't have any more

And at my final breath
I hope that I can say
I fought the good fight
Of faith

I pray your glory shines
This doubting heart of mine
And all would know that You

You are my strength
You are my strength
You and You alone
You keep bringing me back home

Oh, You are my strength
You are my strength
You and You alone
Keep bringing me back home

It's You and You alone
Bringing me back home

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sickest opening ever- Catalyst.

Thanks for your advice, Im just no afraid of heights
Like Christ wasn’t afraid to mix spit with mud, as if he couldn’t have fixed vision with one word
Im sorry. I get my creativity from my Father.
Thanks for your advice, Im just not afraid of a blank canvas.
Im not afraid to BE the canvas. Ive been marked by the Father’s hand and God don’t use erasers.
Off on purpose. But what keeps you up at night?
Budget meetings? A board of directors? Thanks for your advice.
Ive just lost my fear-of gravity. Since His Majesty came and grabbed me.
Ive often wondered, how loud does an alarm clock need to be to wake a dead man?
Maybe youre right, and I am just too creative.
I am afraid of being wrong, but if I am tell me.
I aint afraid of correction, humbly embrace lessons.
Just like you shouldn’t be afraid of city permits, and submit to the process
Cause theres not one city permit that can stop what Elohim permits.
Im so comfortable with sovereignty, so done wasting words, so tired of lying to my Father and the mirror.
That’s where I get my courage from, my spine aint naturally stainless steel.
You can have freely what Ive learned from failing miserably.
Youre scared, that you believe your own press.
That we are born eagles, walkin among chickens.
As if these agitated shoulder blades aint ever sprouted wings.
I was recently told I was too creative. And that shook me to the core.
I have no excuse for fear, I should be rollerskating around Saturn. Looking down on satellites- flying.
If you mustered up the bravery, you would get this one day, that we fooled you.
This aint a conference, this right here is a RUNWAY.
Why you aint flyin? We should go take courage