Sunday, November 7, 2010

Karate Kids and Chocolate Chips

Last night myself and my housemates (Boy) Alex and Pete along with Steph, Hannah, and (Girl) Alex went camping. It was a blast! We swapped funny story after funny story about our first impressions of each other. About how no one can remember steph's name (sorry). About how every girl thought my house was full of nerds. This didnt make sense to me until I realized that when they introduced themselves to us, my house was doing karate together in the living room...

We shared past stories about what God has done in our lives and talked about some of the things we are going through. It was just sweet fellowship.

Today I had plans to read some of John with Jersey at 3. I read Philippians 1 and baked up some cookies and began to head over. On my way over I received a text from a friend who has just been laid up with trial after trial. As I was walking over to Jerseys I was stopped in my tracks. I began to think about the pain my friend has been going through lately, and the pain that I have, and my other friends have as well. I began to think of Philippians and Paul's willingness to suffer. I began to think of Psalm 73 and the psalmist saying "whom have I in heaven but you? On earth there is nothing I desire besides you." For the first time this verse became real to me. I stopped on the side of the street and worshipped.

I told God "I am willing to do whatever you want. If it means for me to suffer greatly so that others might be encouraged and see how beautiful You are...I'm down."

Jesus is beautiful. His cross is real. His grace is sufficient for you and me. If I can encourage you in any way I would tell you that your suffering is so that others can see Jesus in you and through you. Respond accordingly.

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