Sunday, October 31, 2010

I need to remember..

"So I don't want to take the lead
Cuz I'm prone to make mistakes.
All these folks that follow me gon' end up in the wrong place.
So, just let me shadow you. And just let me trace your lines.
Matter fact just take my pen.
Here, you create my rhymes.
Cuz if I do this by myself I'm scared that I'll succeed.
And no longer trust in You, cuz I only trust in me."-Lecrae "Background"

"I enter rooms and hope they notice me
To fill my social insecurities
I'm asking if there's any hope for me
Cuz there is room for only one"-Jimmy Needham "The reason I sing"

"Whom have I in heaven but You? On earth there is nothing I desire besides You" -Psalm 73:25

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